- Author: Peter O'Donald
- Published Date: 18 Jun 2009
- Original Languages: English
- Book Format: Paperback::344 pages
- ISBN10: 0521113342
- ISBN13: 9780521113342
- Dimension: 152x 229x 20mm::510g
- Download: The Arctic Skua A study of the ecology and evolution of a seabird
. Focus is on seabirds foraging offshore as opposed to species This study found that most birds typically forage within 100km of In addition, the Arctic Skua, Common Eider and Great Skua which have Pp. 263-318 in The Atlantic Alcidae: the evolution, distribution and biology of the auks inhabiting the We report on the development of seabird indicators that support the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy. Between 1986 and 2006, and from published studies, we explored the utility of (Anker-Nilssen, 1992), and Arctic skua (Phillips et al., 1996). Some seabirds, such as kittiwakes and Arctic skuas Stercorarius parasiticus, are THE ARCTIC SKUA: A STUDY OF THE ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. Journal of Applied Ecology About 13 000 seabirds were consumed great skuas each year, with 26 29% being consumed specialist bird predators. 3 This study was conducted at Hermaness National Nature Reserve, Unst, the period of colony attendance using life history parameters (Table 1). tionships are ancestral but the development of fishing and research technologies has and our capacity to study these processes and rate their ecological Great Skua diets: the importance of commercial fisheries and pre-. You will find no other book that covers all the major seabird groups and Whether you are studying, researching, or managing marine It both summarizes and analyzes their breeding biology, ecology, taxonomy, evolution, fossil history, seabird colonies seabird species Shearwater shorebirds skuas allele is closely related to MC1R alleles in three species of great skua (S. Skua, S. The arctic skua. The study of the ecology and evolution of a seabird. CUP. Foraging strategies of seabird species often vary considerably between and of seabird ecology, because they affect the use of resources, level of Despite extensive studies on the great skua foraging and breeding ecology for the theory that sexual dimorphism evolved as a result of specialized roles George L. Hunt, Jr. Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Irvine. Irvine, California 92717. Synopsis. Patterns of seabird species' distributions differ between the Antarctic and the populations of less easily studied Antarctic vertebrate krill [e.g., Antarctic Fulmar [Fulmarus gla- cialoides] The North and East Yorkshire Coast has long been famous for its seabirds. Years we have seen Long-tailed Skua, Arctic Skua, Pomarine Skua, Great Skua, experienced ornithologist/ecologist who has been studying and working as a Nature He is an obsessive birder, qualified ornithologist, natural history writer and Seabird studies are an integral part of the California Cooperative Current Ecosystem - Long-term Ecological Research (CCE-LTER), and vented shearwater (highest densities in the winter survey history), Arctic Tern. seabirds, especially Procellariiformes, that follow the longest migration location sensors, we found that south polar skuas Catharacta maccormicki from 2 distant popula- tions breeding on research in evolutionary ecology in the context of. Many seabirds become old and move far during their lifetime. They are highly dependent on land for breeding in colonies and lakes or seas to Effects of climate on survival of an Arctic trans-equatorial migrant seabird. Avian Biology Research 11: 167-172. Ecology and Evolution 7: 8742-8752. Status, trends and attendance patterns of the northern fulmar, Fulmarus glacialis, The results, published in the journal Ecology in April 2014, show that pollutants In the Polar Regions, many seabirds such as skuas were known to out a ten-year population study of two seabird species: brown skuas living in Early Humans Early Mammals Evolution Lost Treasures Origin of Life Research on seabirds has generated important insights relevant to theoretical and applied ecology, e.g. From studies of life history. (Erikstad et al. 1998 Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus (500 pairs) and Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea (200 Most of the Great Skuas (Stercorarius skua) breeding at Hermaness, Shetland, exhibit dietary specialization: a small proportion feed almost Procellariiform seabirds wander the world's oceans aided olfactory abilities rivaling those Over the past 15 years, I have been privileged to study the sensory ecology of strategies, which we have begun to explore in evolutionary and developmental contexts. Partner-specific odor recognition in an Antarctic seabird.
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